Medicolegal services
Mr Rambani provides an independent expert medical opinion in the field of orthopaedics at the request of legal professionals.We work closely with solicitors, insurance and claims management companies.
Our services are structured to offer individually tailored reporting with the benefit of flexibility (domiciliary visits or evening appointments for clients if required).
We also offer a convenient and efficient delivery of diagnostics and treatment services upon request.
The Process
Fee schedules and Terms & Conditions are agreed ahead of acceptance of instruction. Fees are dependent upon case complexity, speciality and experience. On receipt of a letter of instruction, we will contact the client and arrange an appointment within the time limit of the instruction party.
We will liaise with our legal expert and client to provide a prompt appointment where appropriate. Subject to access to relevant GP/hospital records, preparation of the medical report is expected within six to eight weeks of patient appointment.

Upon receipt of the report, our trained staff check for administrative accuracy, compliance and presentation.
Completed reports are sent by secure email and by post. Invoice is issued at the time of report submission and payment is required within Service level agreement unless otherwise specified.
If you are a client and are asked by your Solicitor to prepare a medicolegal report for you, you may be offered an appointment to see the Consultant with particular expertise relating to your situation for preparation of your report.
In order for the Specialist to prepare your medicolegal report, clients may require a medical examination.
If this applies to you, you will be offered an appointment, usually at a hospital out-patient clinic or occasionally at your place of residence, depending on your circumstances.
The Specialist is not in a position to provide any advice on your condition or initiate any treatment. The Specialist will not be making any judgement on blame / fault in personal injury cases, but they will be aware of the background and circumstances to the injury / your condition, in order to make their assessment.
Medicolegal Reports
You may be asked by your Solicitor to sign a form to allow access to your medical records. Reports are sometimes prepared by the Specialist based only on copies of your medical records. In other circumstances, clients will need an appointment to see the Specialist to allow full assessment, in order to prepare their report. Following release of medical records to the Specialist, reports are usually prepared within one to two months. The report will be sent to your Solicitor and any further questions about the report that may arise will be dealt with via your Solicitor.